shopify blog

Shopify for Blogging : How To Start and Ecommerce Blog

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Are you looking to build an online empire? Shopify is a powerful platform that can help make your dream a reality. With the right strategy and tactics, anyone can create an incredible store full of beautiful products that bring in customers from around the world. But before you get started, it’s important to know what steps to take for success – which is why we’ve put together this comprehensive guide on setting up your very own Shopify blog!

We’ll look at how best to structure content, practical tips for reaching more customers and other strategies and ideas to give you every advantage when creating your online store. Whether you’re brand new to Shopify or already have some experience selling products online, by the end of this post, you’ll be ready to start blogging and growing your business with confidence.

An Overview of Shopify Blogs

Shopify blogs serve two significant purposes: driving traffic to your store and improving your site’s SEO ranking. When you consistently create and publish high-quality content that’s relevant to your audience, you’re likely to attract new visitors to your site. More importantly, these are potential customers who are already interested in your area of business since they found your blog post through a targeted search.

But the benefits of blogging on Shopify go beyond just attracting more visitors. A well-maintained blog is also great for boosting your store’s SEO ranking. Search engines like Google value fresh, unique content – and a blog is one of the best ways to provide this. Each new post serves as a new indexed page for your site, increasing its visibility on search engine results pages.

Furthermore, by using relevant keywords in your blog posts, you can target specific search queries related to your products or business, thereby making your store more discoverable. In the next sections, we’ll delve into how you can set up your Shopify blog, create compelling content, incorporate SEO practices, and use blogging as a tool for customer engagement and retention.

Benefits of Using Your Shopify Blog

shopify blog benefits

Your Shopify blog is far more than just a platform for words; it is a powerful marketing tool that can directly influence your store’s conversion rates and customer loyalty. One of the primary benefits of using your Shopify blog is its ability to develop and strengthen relationships with your customers. Regularly publishing engaging, informative content that resonates with your audience helps establish your brand as a trusted authority in your field.

This not only increases customer retention but also encourages active customer engagement, creating a sense of community around your brand. Additionally, your Shopify blog can be an effective conduit for showcasing your products in a less formal, more engaging context. By incorporating product links and images within your blog posts, you can subtly drive sales without resorting to overt advertising.

Furthermore, a blog enables you to highlight the unique selling points of your products, tell stories about your brand, and share valuable insights related to your industry. This kind of content is more likely to be shared across social media platforms, generating organic reach and potentially attracting new customers. Finally, maintaining a consistent blog schedule can significantly improve the performance of your Shopify store in search engine rankings.

A steady stream of fresh, relevant, keyword-optimized content signals to search engines that your site is active, relevant, and valuable to users. Over time, this can lead to improved organic traffic, higher quality leads, and ultimately, increased sales. In the next sections, we’ll explore how to effectively set up, manage, and optimize your Shopify blog for maximum impact.

How to Turn on Your Shopify Blog

Primarily, enabling your Shopify blog is a straightforward process. Navigate to the ‘Online Store’ section of your Shopify admin panel and select ‘Blog Posts.’ Here, you’ll see a ‘Manage Blogs’ option – select this and then click on the ‘Add Blog’ create blog post button. This will allow you to name your blog and set some basic configuration options. Remember to keep the blog title relevant and engaging, as it will be the first impression potential readers get of your content.

Once your blog is set up, it’s critical to pay attention to blog post optimization. Each post should include relevant keywords, but it’s important not to overdo it. Keyword research stuffing can lead to penalties from search engines and create a poor reading experience for your audience. Use keywords naturally within your content and ensure they are relevant to the topic at hand.

Additionally, make use of the SEO features available in Shopify, such as meta titles and descriptions, to increase the visibility of your blog posts in search engine results. Finally, to manage your blog effectively, it’s crucial to have a content strategy in place. This should include a regular posting schedule, a variety of content types (how-to guides, product showcases, industry news, etc), and a plan for promoting your blog posts on social media and other channels.

Shopify’s Content Management Capabilities

Shopify’s integrated Content Management System (CMS) is a powerful tool that allows for easy management of your blog content. It offers an intuitive interface designed to simplify the process of creating, editing, and publishing posts. The CMS also supports multimedia content, so you can enrich your blog posts with images, videos, and audio files to enhance reader engagement.

You can also categorize your blog posts using tags, facilitating easier navigation for your audience and allowing them to find relevant content more efficiently. In terms of design, Shopify’s CMS is highly flexible, with options to customize the look and feel of your blog to align with your brand identity. There’s a wide selection of themes and templates available, many of which are specifically designed for blogs.

The layout, color scheme, typography, and other design elements can be adjusted to create a visually appealing and cohesive blog page. Furthermore, Shopify’s CMS features a range of tools aimed at enhancing your blog’s SEO. This includes options for editing URL structure, meta tags, and alt text for images, all of which can help improve the visibility of your blog in search engine results.

Incorporating these SEO best practices into your content management process will make your Shopify blog more discoverable, driving increased traffic and ultimately boosting your store’s sales. Lastly, it’s worth noting that Shopify’s CMS has built-in analytics capabilities. These enable you to track and analyze your blog’s performance in real-time. With access to data on metrics like page views, visitor demographics, bounce rate, and dwell time.

you can gain valuable insights into your audience’s behavior and preferences, allowing you to refine your content strategy and make data-driven decisions to maximize the impact of your Shopify blog. Shopify blog in place, creating content is as easy as visiting the Blog posts menu and clicking the Create blog post button.

Shopify Blog vs. Another Blogging Platform

While Shopify is primarily known for its powerful e-commerce capabilities, it’s also a robust blogging platform that stands up well against other CMS platforms. Shopify’s blogging platform has the advantage of seamless integration with your online store. This means you can easily link to your products from your blog posts, encouraging readers to make purchases without leaving your site.

However, it’s worth noting that while Shopify’s blogging features are more than sufficient for most online stores, they may not be as comprehensive as those offered by dedicated blogging platforms. WordPress, for example, is renowned for its expansive blogging capabilities, providing access to numerous plugins and extensive customization options.

It offers greater flexibility when it comes to blog format and style and the ability to add features such as comments and social media sharing buttons. However, integrating e-commerce functionality into a free WordPress blog requires additional plugins and can be more complex. Choosing between Shopify and another blogging platform ultimately depends on your specific needs and objectives.

If your primary focus is e-commerce and you want a blog to complement your online store, Shopify is an excellent choice. Its straightforward, user-friendly interface makes it easy to manage your store and blog from one place, and its built-in SEO and analytics tools provide valuable support for your marketing efforts. However, if you’re aiming to create a blog with more complex features or a highly unique style, you might want to consider a dedicated blogging platform like WordPress.

Best Shopify Blog Examples


Rowan is a standout example of a successful Shopify blog. This jewelry brand has taken full advantage of Shopify’s blogging capabilities to create a compelling platform that enhances its e-commerce presence. Their blog posts are not only informative but also richly illustrated, providing a visual treat that reflects the brand’s aesthetic and appeals to its target audience.

The blog includes posts about the brand’s history, design process, and individual pieces, as well as styling tips and interviews with fashion influencers. The content is expertly linked to their product pages, making it easy for readers to shop for the featured pieces. Rowan’s blog thus serves as an excellent example of how a Shopify blog can be used to promote engagement, build brand loyalty, and drive sales.

Another noteworthy example is the blog of Beardbrand, a men’s grooming brand. Beardbrand’s blog is an essential component of their online presence, offering valuable content that extends their brand identity and fosters a sense of community among their customers. The blog provides practical grooming and style tips, product reviews, and lifestyle articles aimed at their niche audience of men who appreciate a well-groomed beard.

By offering high-quality, relevant content, Beardbrand has been able to build a loyal following and establish itself as an authority in its field. This has translated into significant e-commerce success, demonstrating the potential of a well-executed Shopify blog. Both Rowan and Beardbrand showcase the potential of Shopify’s blogging capabilities when they are properly leveraged.

Their blogs provide valuable content that enriches their brand identity, engages their audience, and ultimately drives sales. These examples illustrate the potential of Shopify as a platform for both e-commerce and blogging, especially when one is used to enhance the other.

Rainbow Vision

One more commendable instance of leveraging the Shopify blog platform is Rainbow Vision, a stationery and lifestyle brand. The brand’s blog is a vibrant mixture of inspirational content, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and product spotlights. Their unique content aligns perfectly with their brand’s ethos of creativity and positivity. By using their blog to tell their brand’s story, they connect on a deeper level with their audience, fostering a sense of community and loyalty.

Rainbow Vision’s blog posts often feature stunning visuals, including product photography and mood boards that reflect the brand’s aesthetic. These visuals not only provide visual interest but also effectively showcase their products in context. Readers can directly shop the products featured in the blog posts, merging content consumption and commerce in a seamless user experience.

Rainbow Vision’s successful utilization of the Shopify blog platform underscores the importance of integrating e-commerce and content marketing. By delivering high-quality, engaging content that resonates with their target audience, they have been able to boost their brand visibility, increase customer engagement, and drive sales.

Connected Apparel

Another brand that utilizes the Shopify blog platform effectively is Connected Apparel. This fashion brand goes beyond simple product promotion in its blog, providing a hub of fashion advice, lifestyle content, and personal stories. Through its blog, Connected Apparel promotes its collections and provides style advice, creating a valuable resource for its customers. The interweaving of product promotion and engaging content creates a unique blend that keeps their audience coming back for more.

Their blog posts vary widely; some are focused on fashion trends and how their products fit into these trends, while others delve into behind-the-scenes looks at their design process. This variety in content helps to keep their audience engaged and interested. One of the standout features of their blog is the inclusion of customer stories.

By featuring real women who use their products, Connected Apparel not only showcases their clothing but also builds a strong connection with their audience. These personal stories make the brand more relatable and trustworthy, which in turn drives customer loyalty and sales. Connected Apparel’s strategic use of the Shopify blog platform is a testament to the power of content marketing in the e-commerce space.

By consistently offering engaging, relevant, and valuable content, they have built a loyal customer base and enhanced their brand’s online presence. Their success serves as a prime example of how a Shopify blog can serve as a potent tool for enhancing brand visibility, fostering customer engagement, and driving e-commerce sales.

Game Of Bricks

Game of Bricks takes a unique approach to the Shopify blog platform, leveraging it to connect with a niche audience of Lego and construction enthusiasts. Their blog, rich in imaginative and creative content, serves as a catalyst to fuel the passion of their audience while subtly promoting their stunning range of Lego-compatible products.

The primary strength of the Game of Bricks blog lies in its ability to connect with the audience on a deeper level. Beyond the promotion of their product line, the blog posts delve into the world of Lego building, offering tips, tricks, and techniques to help enthusiasts refine their construction skills. From intricate architectural models to detailed Lego cityscapes, the blog offers something for builders of all skill levels.

The Game of Bricks Shopify blog also provides a platform for community engagement. It often features fan creations and hosts competitions, encouraging active participation from its readers. This sense of community extends beyond just the blog, fostering a loyal customer base that feels more connected to the brand.

Overall, Game of Bricks showcases the versatility of the Shopify blog platform as a hub for showcasing products, sharing expertise, and building a dynamic community. Their blog is a prime example of how effectively leveraging such a platform can lead to increased brand visibility, customer loyalty, and, ultimately, higher sales.


Fluxies, another sterling example of a Shopify blog, caters to the techno-savvy audience with its wide array of electronics and tech gadgets. Their blog, a powerhouse of information, engages readers by deep-diving into the world of the latest technology trends, reviews, and how-tos. By focusing on providing high-quality content that is relevant and informative, Fluxies has managed to position itself as a trusted source within its industry.

The art of the Fluxies blog lies in its ability to blend product promotion with engaging content seamlessly. Readers are not just passively fed product details; instead, they are guided through the features, benefits, and practical applications of products through detailed reviews and instructional guides. This approach makes the blog more than just a sales platform; it becomes a resource, a trustworthy guide in the vast world of technology.

Community engagement is another cornerstone of the Fluxies Shopify blog. Each blog post allows for reader comments, creating a forum for discussion, feedback, and shared experiences. This not only promotes customer engagement but also provides invaluable insights into customer preferences and queries, leading to a richer understanding of their customer base.

Pure Matcha

Pure Matcha is yet another Shopify blog that has created a niche for itself in the world of organic tea lovers. With its powerful storytelling and informative content, Pure Matcha’s blog elegantly nudges customers toward appreciating the finer nuances of organic tea and the health benefits it offers.

The blog posts on Pure Matcha are not just about selling a product; they weave a tapestry of stories around the origin, processing, and brewing of Matcha tea. Readers are transported to the lush green tea farms of Japan, guided through the intricate process of shade-growing and stone-grinding of tea leaves, and then taught the art of brewing the perfect cup of Matcha.

This immersive storytelling approach not only provides valuable information but also creates a sense of connection between the readers and the brand. In addition to storytelling, the blog also shares practical tips and recipes to incorporate Matcha into the readers’ daily routine. These blog posts not only boost product visibility but also educate the readers about the versatile nature of Matcha, thus increasing its appeal.

Just like Fluxies, Pure Matcha also encourages community interactions. Each blog post is open to comments, fostering a sense of community among Matcha lovers. This interactive feature allows readers to share their experiences, ask questions, and even suggest new blog topics. By creating content in this two-way communication channel, Pure Matcha keeps its finger on the pulse of its customer base, gaining insights into their needs and preferences, which, in turn, helps in shaping future blog content and marketing strategies.

Goose Studios

Goose Studios is another excellent example of a brand that effectively utilizes Shopify to run its blog. Offering a range of digital products, Gosoe Studios uses its blog to provide readers with insights into the latest trends in digital design and development. Each blog post is meticulously researched and crafted, offering detailed explanations and presenting complex concepts in a manner that is accessible to readers of all levels of technical proficiency.

Sharing their wealth of knowledge and expertise, Gosoe Studios’ blog posts delve into topics such as user interface design, user experience, and front-end and back-end development. This wide array of topics not only caters to a diverse readership but also underscores Gosoe Studios’ comprehensive understanding of the digital product landscape. By sharing these insights, Gosoe Studios positions itself as a thought leader in the industry, enhancing its credibility and trustworthiness among its customers.

In addition to imparting knowledge, Gosoe Studios’ blog also serves as a platform for showcasing their products. Integrated seamlessly within the blog posts, these product showcases are presented not as overt advertisements but as practical solutions to the issues and challenges discussed in the posts. This subtle approach to product promotion resonates with readers, as it doesn’t disrupt their reading experience and adds value by presenting a solution to a problem they may be facing.

Moreover, Gosoe Studios echoes Pure Matcha’s idea of fostering community interactions. The comment section under each blog post facilitates a dynamic exchange of blog post ideas, opinions, and experiences among readers, thus creating a vibrant community of digital design and development enthusiasts. This interactive feature not only keeps readers engaged but also provides Gosoe Studios with valuable feedback and suggestions for improving their products and services.


Just as Gosoe Studios and Pure Matcha utilize their blogs to engage their audience and showcase their products, merchants on Shopify can also leverage the blogging feature to reap similar benefits. A Shopify blog can become an invaluable asset, allowing you to share industry insights, promote your products subtly, and foster a sense of community among your customers.

In terms of content, a Shopify blog can cover a wide array of topics relevant to your business and your customers’ interests. It can range from sharing useful tips and how-tos to deep-diving into the benefits and features of your products to exploring industry trends and news. This diversity in content can help cater to a wider audience, making your blog a go-to resource for valuable information.

Integrating your products within blog posts can also serve as an effective marketing strategy. For instance, if your Shopify store sells eco-friendly products, a blog post about the importance of sustainable living can integrate your products as practical solutions to achieving this lifestyle. This non-disruptive way of promoting products not only adds value to your readers but also subtly encourages them to make a purchase.

Creating a community through your Shopify blog is another valuable approach. By allowing customers to comment on blog posts, you open up a channel that fosters interaction and engagement. This sense of community can build customer loyalty and provide you with direct feedback regarding your products and services.

Korean Skincare

In the realm of skincare, Korean beauty trends have gained significant traction for their innovative products and holistic approach towards skin health. A typical Korean skincare routine advocates for a multi-step regimen that meticulously caters to each aspect of skin health. It often begins with double cleansing – using an oil-based cleanser followed by a water-based one – to ensure a thorough removal of makeup and impurities.

This is often followed by exfoliation, toning, and applying a series of targeted treatments such as essences, serums, and face masks, each with its unique benefits and active ingredients. The routine usually culminates with a moisturizer and sun protection, crucial for maintaining skin hydration and guarding against harmful UV radiation.

Highlighting the unique philosophy behind the Korean skincare routine can also add an educational element to your Shopify blog, guiding customers through the process and providing them with the knowledge to make informed product choices. To further engage your readership, consider featuring user testimonials or case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of these products.

Through your Shopify blog, you can also share insights into the Korean skincare industry, highlighting emerging trends, new product launches, and industry forecasts. By positioning your blog as a reliable source of information, you can foster a sense of trust among your readers, encouraging them to return to your blog and store frequently.

The Big Subdomain vs. Subdirectory Debate

blog dubdomain

Moving on to another critical aspect of website management, the debate between using a subdomain or a subdirectory is one that many Shopify store owners find themselves grappling with. Both options have their respective pros and cons, making the choice heavily dependent on the specific needs and structure of your site.

This is particularly useful for large-scale businesses with various distinct departments, each requiring a unique online presence. On the other hand, a subdirectory, shown as ‘’, is a part of the main website and is often used to organize content within site. For smaller businesses and blogs, a subdirectory can be a simpler, more streamlined approach.

From an SEO perspective, the decision can significantly impact your site’s search engine ranking. Generally, search engines treat subdomains as separate websites, which means you would need to build authority for each subdomain individually. In contrast, subdirectories contribute to the overall authority of the main site, which could potentially boost your ranking faster.

However, it’s important to remember that the quality of your content ultimately reigns supreme. Whether you choose a subdomain or a subdirectory, consistently providing valuable, engaging content on your Shopify blog will attract and retain your audience, driving your online success in the long run.

How to Set up a Blog on Your Shopify Store

Setting up a blog on your Shopify store is a straightforward process that can be accomplished in just a few steps. Begin by navigating to the Shopify admin dashboard. From there, select ‘Online Store’ and then ‘Blog Posts.’ Click ‘Create blog post’ to start crafting your first piece. Within this section, you can write your blog content, add images, and even embed videos.

Once you’ve completed your blog post, you can select ‘Manage Blogs’ to adjust the settings of your blog, such as its name, whether readers can post comments, and other features. If you want to host your blog on a subdomain with a self-hosted WordPress blog, the process is slightly more complex.

You would need to create a WordPress account, select a hosting provider, and install WordPress on your subdomain. Following that, you can choose a theme, customize your site, and start posting content. WordPress offers more customization options and plugins, but it also requires more maintenance and has a steeper learning curve.

Consistently creating engaging and informative content on your Shopify blog is the most effective way to attract and retain your audience, ultimately driving your online success. In the Search engine listing preview section, click Edit website SEO.

Is Blogging on Shopify Worth the Investment

Absolutely, investing in Shopify blogging is a worthwhile endeavor. Blogging is a proven method for engaging with your audience, driving traffic to your website, and enhancing your site’s SEO performance. In the context of Shopify, blogging can provide a significant boost to your ecommerce store by aiding in the promotion of products, establishing your brand authority, and building a loyal customer base.

Through your Shopify blog, you can share valuable information related to your products, industry trends, DIY tips, and other educational content. This not only keeps your audience hooked but also positions your brand as a reliable source of information in your respective field.

Remember, the key is consistency and quality. Maintain a regular posting schedule and ensure your content is engaging, informative, and relevant to your audience. This investment of time and effort in Shopify blogging can pay off in terms of increased audience engagement, improved SEO performance, and, ultimately, higher sales conversion rates.


What should I blog about on my Shopify store?

It’s essential to create content that resonates with your audience. You could talk about your products, how to use them, or industry trends. Share success stories, customer testimonials, or DIY tips relevant to your products. The key is to offer value to your audience while subtly promoting your products.

How often should I post on my Shopify blog?

There’s no definitive answer, as this varies from business to business. However, maintaining a consistent schedule is beneficial. Whether it’s once a week or once a month, consistency helps build audience loyalty and improves your SEO performance.

How does blogging improve SEO for my Shopify store?

Blogging helps you incorporate more keywords into your website, making it more likely to appear in search results. Regularly updated, high-quality content is favored by search engines, resulting in higher visibility for your store.

Can blogging on Shopify help me interact with my customers?

Absolutely! Blogging provides an interactive platform for you to engage with your customers. You can use it to answer queries, request feedback, or keep your audience updated about your brand. It’s an excellent way to build a loyal customer base.

How can I measure the success of my Shopify blogs?

Use tools like Google Analytics or Shopify’s built-in analytics to track metrics like page views, time spent on each page, bounce rate, and conversion rate. This data can help you understand what’s working and what needs improvement.


I hope this guide has given you a better understanding of the benefits of blogging on Shopify. By consistently providing valuable content and engaging with your audience, you can improve your search engine optimization, build customer loyalty, and ultimately drive sales for your business. Remember to regularly track and analyze your blog’s performance to continuously improve and meet the needs of your audience.

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Picture of Cam Morales
Cam Morales

Cam is the Founder & CEO of, Bix and EcomUpstart - he built two 7 figure businesses since he started his entrepreneurship journey in 2016. He now helps others launch ecommerce stores and other online businesses.

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