how to sell on walmart marketplace

How To Sell on Walmart Marketplace: Ultimate Guide

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If you’re a business owner, then you know that selling your products online is essential in today’s marketplace. And if you’re looking for a platform to sell your products, then Walmart Marketplace is a great option. 

In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about how to sell on Walmart Marketplace: what it is, how it works, and its benefits. We’ll also provide some tips on how to get started!

What is Walmart Marketplace?

Walmart Marketplace is one of the most popular marketplaces for businesses and independent sellers who want to establish an online presence. It allows companies the opportunity to get their products in front of millions of shoppers and increases the chances of their sales success. Becoming a seller on Walmart Marketplace is quite straightforward – all you need to do is create an account, select your product categories, upload digital assets, set prices, and launch your listings.

Once these steps are complete, WalMart will list your product on its website, where customers can view them, read reviews, and make purchases. Later on, as a seller, you’ll have access to helpful data insights like page views and average price per item that can help you grow your business more efficiently. With its powerful marketing tools and commitment to customer satisfaction, Walmart Marketplace has proven itself as an excellent platform for entrepreneurs looking to expand their businesses.

How Do I Become a Seller on Walmart Marketplace?

If you have a business and want to increase its reach, becoming a seller on Walmart Marketplace is an excellent way to go. After registering online, some requirements must be fulfilled, such as setting up a payment method and providing documentation like business tax ID and proof of business address before you can start selling products.

Your account must also meet the Marketplace rules and guidelines to ensure a safe buying and selling experience for customers. Once these steps are complete, you can upload your product listings, set pricing, manage orders, and benefit from the millions of visitors who come to Walmart Marketplace for their purchases every day – making it an ideal eCommerce platform for businesses of all sizes.

How To Create a Product Listing on Walmart Marketplace?

Creating a product listing on Walmart Marketplace is a simple process. Once registered as a seller, you can access the Seller Center and upload your digital assets (images, descriptions, etc.). You must also set prices for each product to complete the listing. After you finish that, customers can view, compare and purchase your products.

It’s important to note that Walmart Marketplace closely monitors its listings, so be sure all of your product details are accurate to maximize customer satisfaction.

What Are the Benefits of Selling on Walmart Marketplace?

The following are some advantages you can take advantage of when selling your products on Walmart Marketplace.

Increased Visibility

Selling on Walmart Marketplace offers small businesses a great way to increase their visibility. Shoppers nationwide can browse listings on Walmart Marketplace, drastically expanding the potential reach of your products and services. This increased exposure has huge payoff potential, allowing small businesses to get their name out there and make more sales. 

With Walmart Marketplace, you also gain access to Walmart’s customer base and an increased online presence through keyword search rankings in Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

All these benefits help to drive traffic to your store and increase sales. Although selling on Walmart Marketplace requires an initial set-up effort, it pays off due to the enhanced ability for customers worldwide to find your business. If you want to give your business an invaluable boost with increased visibility, look no further than selling on Walmart Marketplace.

Competitive Pricing

Another benefit of selling on Walmart Marketplace is that you can compete on price with other sellers. This is because sellers have the flexibility to adjust their prices as needed to remain competitive with other sellers. You’ll be able to compare your prices against other marketplace sellers and make decisions regarding your pricing quickly and easily, allowing you to remain competitive.

Additionally, once you’re listed on the Marketplace, you’ll automatically benefit from increased exposure due to Walmart’s visibility and traffic. The more customers browse your product offering, the more likely they will be drawn in by your discounted prices. In short, selling on Walmart Marketplace should allow small businesses to reap several benefits through competitive pricing strategies that enable them to stay ahead of the game and attract more customers.

Easy-to-Use Platform

Another benefit of selling on Walmart Marketplace is its easy use. Sellers can quickly launch listings on a trusted online platform with a simple onboarding process. Platform users benefit from access to a broad customer base and integrated order processing. Additionally, sellers have the ability to tailor and optimize their product data, improving visibility in search results and providing potential customers with accurate product details.

Walmart’s easy-to-use platform also streamlines listing products with automated feed verification, so sellers don’t need to manually check every listing before it goes live. Product reviews are another platform feature that allows buyers to provide feedback on products and services. 

By taking advantage of this powerful e-commerce tool set, businesses can capitalize on the enormous appeal of the Walmart Marketplace for customers seeking convenient shopping experiences and great value selections.

Embrace Innovation

Offering products on Walmart Marketplace has many advantages; one of the most significant is access to technology and innovative solutions. Walmart Marketplace is constantly innovating and seeking ways to improve the user experience. Through their integration with Google Shopping, for example, sellers can exponentially increase their visibility across the internet and reach new customers.

Additionally, Walmart’s Seller Center provides real-time product performance analytics so sellers can easily monitor changes in customer interest and optimize listings accordingly. With these tools, sellers can stay current on trends and capitalize on opportunities as they arise.

By utilizing Walmart Marketplace’s innovative technology, sellers are able to maximize their potential for success. With a streamlined onboarding process, competitive prices, an easy-to-use platform, and cutting-edge technology, Walmart Marketplace is the perfect e-commerce solution for small businesses looking to expand their reach and increase sales. It provides a platform to compete with larger companies and offers several key benefits that help level the playing field. 

If you’re serious about taking your business to the next level, Walmart Marketplace is the ideal way to do it.

Tips for Selling at Walmart

Are you ready to start selling on Walmart Marketplace? Before you do, here are some helpful tips to keep in mind as you move your way through the process and engage with potential buyers.

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Do Your Research

Before you start selling at Walmart, it is important to do your research and understand the company’s policies and procedures. You should also be familiar with the products you will be selling, as well as the competition. This will help ensure that you make the best business decisions.

Know Your Competition

When selling at Walmart, it’s necessary to know your competition. This way, you can price your products accordingly and make sure that you’re offering a unique product that the store doesn’t already have. It’s also a good idea to keep an eye on what third-party sellers are doing so that you can stay ahead of the curve and offer new and innovative products that will appeal to Walmart shoppers.

Set Realistic Goals

It is important to set realistic goals and expectations when selling at Walmart. Be sure to take into account all of the costs associated with selling on the platform, such as listing fees and inventory storage fees. This will allow you to create a budget and track your expenses. Keep in mind that marketplace or e-commerce success takes time, and you may not see immediate results.

Price Strategically

Your product prices will be a major factor in determining your success on Walmart Marketplace. Set competitive prices that are attractive to customers while still leaving you with a profit margin. Take advantage of features like price-adjustment notifications and automated repricing tools, which can help you stay ahead of the competition and maximize your profits.

Create an Attractive Storefront

Creating an attractive storefront is central to success on Walmart Marketplace. This includes having a professional-looking logo, informative product descriptions, and high-quality images. Additionally, make sure that you have accurate pricing information and respond promptly to inquiries from potential customers. Taking the time to create a storefront that stands out can go a long way in increasing sales.

Promote Your Products Effectively

It’s paramount to promote your products effectively when selling at Walmart. This means creating eye-catching displays and using marketing materials that highlight the features and benefits of your products. Additionally, train your employees on how to sell your products so that they can answer any questions that shoppers may have.

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Pack and Ship Your Orders Promptly

When someone places an order on the online marketplace, be sure to pack and ship it promptly. This includes using high-quality packaging materials and providing tracking information to the buyer. Additionally, communicate with the buyer throughout the shipping process to ensure a positive experience.

Provide Excellent Customer Service

Finally, professional sellers need to provide excellent customer service. This means responding to inquiries quickly and efficiently and resolving any issues that may surface. By providing excellent customer service, you will increase the chances of receiving positive feedback and repeat orders from buyers.

Frequently Asked Questions

The following are answers to some common questions that people ask about selling items on Walmart Marketplace.

How much do Walmart marketplace sellers make?

The amount of money a Walmart seller makes is determined by the type and amount of products they sell. The average commission for an item sold on Walmart Marketplace is typically around 10%, but this can vary depending on the product category and marketplace fees.

What are the fees associated with selling on Walmart Marketplace?

The fees associated with selling on Walmart Marketplace vary depending on the Walmart marketplace seller account plan and product category. Generally, there are no monthly fees, only fixed base fees, a commission percentage, and additional marketplace fees such as fulfillment or advertising fees, depending on the Walmart sellers’ account. Be sure to review Walmart’s Seller Agreement for specific details about their fee structures.

Do I need to be a large company to sell on Walmart Marketplace?

No! Walmart Marketplace is open to all types of sellers, including small businesses and individual entrepreneurs. No minimum sales requirements or special qualifications are necessary to sell on the Walmart marketplace.

What type of customer service does Walmart provide?

Walmart provides customer support through its Seller Center. The Seller Center provides a variety of resources, including frequently asked questions, helpful articles, and live chat support. Additionally, Walmart has a dedicated team of sellers available to answer any questions or provide guidance when needed.

Final Thoughts

By taking advantage of Walmart Marketplace’s powerful e-commerce platform and cutting-edge technology, businesses can increase their visibility and reach new customers in the digital age. With an easy onboarding process and competitive pricing structure, it is the perfect solution for small businesses looking to expand their reach and increase sales. From real-time analytics to Google Shopping integration, Walmart Marketplace is the ideal way to propel your business forward and capitalize on opportunities.

So what are you waiting for? Start selling on Walmart Marketplace today and take your business to the next level!

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Picture of Cam Morales
Cam Morales

Cam is the Founder & CEO of, Bix and EcomUpstart - he built two 7 figure businesses since he started his entrepreneurship journey in 2016. He now helps others launch ecommerce stores and other online businesses.

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